Headphone advice please :).

7 Jan 2003
Basically I haven't got a clue, I've read through the forums and looked at reviews but there are so many sets available that I'm just confused.

I'm after some closed headpones (My desktop is in my flats lounge so I don't want to annoy my flatmates) that basically do everything. I could strech to £150 as they are something I will be basically using all the time instead of speakers, for gaming, movies, music etc etc.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

I'm aware that asking for headphones to do everything is a bit daft, but aslong as they aren't awful I don't mind.

Oh and they must be comfy :P.
I think I've decided on some Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pros. Would going for the 80ohm version mean I wouldn't have to get myself an amp to drive them?

Also could you recommend some amps, I've seen inline ones for ipods and such and much larger ones, something simple would suffice if I chose to get one.
Audio Technica A900.

Multiple owners on here including myself, available from audiocubes and they are fantastic

Beyers have masses and masses of bass, but arn't quite as detailed as the a900s, I'd say.
I'm quite keen on bass, not so much as to kill the rest of the music but I like it to be deep. What is it like on the Audo Technica A900's? And would I need an amp :p.
The A900s definitely don't need an amp, yet I use one anyway for a number of reasons (bypassing my awful onboard sound, mainly), they have realistic strong bass but nothing near the Beyers.

I'd say 80ohms is bordering on needing an amp but plenty of people run them without them.
Hmm, can anyone recommend me a nice simple headphone amp? I don't need anything too complicated as it's only for my computer.
If you shop around you can buy DENON AH-D2000 for £150, closed cans don't come much better.

Top quality finish, very comfortable, and 25ohms so you can get away without an amp, more so that the DT's, but of course they do benefit from one.

I own 80ohm DT's so would recommend them, but if you have £150 to spend the Denons are a cut above virtually all other closed cans.
If you shop around you can buy DENON AH-D2000 for £150, closed cans don't come much better.

Top quality finish, very comfortable, and 25ohms so you can get away without an amp, more so that the DT's, but of course they do benefit from one.

I own 80ohm DT's so would recommend them, but if you have £150 to spend the Denons are a cut above virtually all other closed cans.

Agreed, they are very good. They have lots of bass too - a lot more controlled than the DT770s.

They're still not great for what I listen to mostly, but when I listen to rock/metal they are excellent. I'm selling them soon though and getting better headphones for vocals.
H2F Scott

I can just tell your registered on headfiers forums ;) Can I ask what next set of cans are you getting I too find my A900s great but perhaps an itch for better vocals/better mids although I havent compared much only to HD595s before.

Guess my A900s could go another 3 years though :)
Ended up with some Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pros, more because I found them for a good price than anything.

I see what you mean about them and their bass. Luckily I like it, and as this is the first ever decent (as apposed to rubbish gaming headsets) set of headphones I have owned.... I'm quite a happy chappy.

Thankyou for the advice and such though, it was coming into this forum that made me decide to get a decent set of headphones in the firstplace.
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Ended up with some Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pros, more because I found them for a good price than anything.

I see what you mean about them and their bass. Luckily I like it, and as this is the first ever decent (as apposed to rubbish gaming headsets) set of headphones I have owned.... I'm quite a happy chappy.

Thankyou for the advice and such though, it was coming into this forum that made me decide to get a decent set of headphones in the firstplace.

Good to hear you like them mate.

H2F Scott

I can just tell your registered on headfiers forums ;) Can I ask what next set of cans are you getting I too find my A900s great but perhaps an itch for better vocals/better mids although I havent compared much only to HD595s before.

Guess my A900s could go another 3 years though :)

I'm looking to do a straight swap for HD650s actually. Denon D2000s and HD650s are roughly the same price, from what I've seen.

Then I'm selling my 8800GT and getting either a Little Dot MkIII or Darkvoice 336i, haven't decided yet. :)
I was considering them yeah, as well as the HD580s. From what I've read they're no "better" than one another, they just sound different, so it's just down to what you prefer.
Why not HD595s?

I found them awesome, clear open and pleasant to listen... female vocals seemed nice. I at 1st originaly thought they were a lot more clearer and just seperated compared to my A900s which I thought was just due to closed back vs open back. But Its perhaps also due to the mids being muffeled on the A900s.

I cant be sure ;) gonna grab my m8s HD595s and test overnight one day !
I've had them. The Denon's were a lot better in every aspect though. HD595s are a good cheap all-rounder, I'm looking for something a little more high end.
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