Headphone amp for 595s?

27 Sep 2006
Hey Guys,

I've just ordered a pair of HD595s and wondering if it's worth investigating a headphone amp to go with my Fatal1ty X-Fi.

Can't seem to find a clear answer on this.
Cheers guys.

This will be my first pair of decent headphones. Using Creative Fatalitys atm, but they are too uncomfortable after wearing for to long.

I'm guessing I've made the right choice, really hard to pick the right pair. Got a bit of cash to burn atm, and just wanna buy stuff that's gonna last me whilst I can.

Will leave an amp for the moment and see how I get on :)
ok, having second thoughts now, 595s aren't in stock atm how about getting HD600's for £140 rather than the 595s at £70. Not buy an amp initially and buy one if I feel the need.

Like I said, they'd be mainly for gaming. Would it be worth the extra, bearing in mind I'm planning on keeping these for as long as possible.
Well I found a pair of 595s in stock for £80 delivered so should have them early next week. Thanks for the help guys, this subject has been giving me a headache :(
Well got my 595s, they sound great without an amp. I can imagine they'd sound a bit fuller with one though :)

The experience reminds me of using unamped 6x9s in my car..
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