Basically I have headphones and speakers that I use in turn with my PC. When I want to use my speakers I have to unplug my headphones from the sound card and plug the speakers in and vice vercer when I want to use my headphones again.
If I were to buy a splitter that goes into my soundcard and then gives two inputs so that I could have both connected at the same time would this work? So when I want to use my headphones solely I'll just turn off the speakers so sound only comes from my headphones, however one issue may be that when I want to use speakers I can't turn off my headphones completly - only thing I would be able to do is turn the volume down manually on the actual headphones but some sound will still come out?
Anyone got a workaround for this?
If I were to buy a splitter that goes into my soundcard and then gives two inputs so that I could have both connected at the same time would this work? So when I want to use my headphones solely I'll just turn off the speakers so sound only comes from my headphones, however one issue may be that when I want to use speakers I can't turn off my headphones completly - only thing I would be able to do is turn the volume down manually on the actual headphones but some sound will still come out?
Anyone got a workaround for this?