Headphone connection problem.

28 Jun 2007
Tamworth, UK
This is really getting on my nerves.

I have Sennheiser HD555's which are great, but they come standard with a quarter inch jack. I therefore need a quarter to 3 mil converter and have tried the straight short ones and also a Grado adapter which worked the best.

The problem is that the adapter is placed at the front of the PC in the headphone socket, and doesn't last long through being knocked/kicked etc (CSS over excitement :p).

I've tried connecting through the speaker port at the back with a dual adapter but a) it's not as loud and b) it's unstable (too many adapters in one go).

I've thought about getting a headphone amp, or even re-wiring the headphones.

Can anyone recommend a decent (but cheapish) amp or is it easy to re-wire? I've got a soldering gun but i'm no Clint Eastwood.

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