Headphone issue advice please.

10 May 2012
North London
OK my Daughter goes to the BIMM Institute for drumming and she needs headphones to use, she has DT 770s 80 ohms but she says she can still hear herself and they are too quiet, so are there headphones that would not let her hear herself and are louder please ?.

Or would she be better off getting a Hi-Res player with those 770s ?

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When you mention 'hi res player', are you thinking that would help to improve how loud they can go?

I don't know what she is using them with that is not providing enough volume, so a player with a decent headphone output may help. A headphone amp would certainly help to boost the volume, but I don't know how practical it would be to add one in. Really depends on what the headphones are being used with.

As for being able to hear herself; I assume she means that the headphones are not isolating outside noise well enough?

DT770 headphones are pretty damn good for that, so if they are not doing the job well enough, then the choice of headphones that isolate better, gets smaller. If she is after full size over ear (circum aural) headphones, then I hazard a guess that only good noise cancellation headphones would be an improvement. They come with a much greater cost though.

One thing that could be a factor and would likely lead to the DT770's not isolating outside noise well enough, is the lack of volume. Lower the volume, the greater the chance of hearing outside noise.

An alternative, if she doesn't mind smaller on ear (supra aural) headphones, is Sennheiser HD25's. They are very good for noise isolation. I'd imagine it's close between the HD25 and DT770 from purely an isolation perspective. Some people say DT770 are the best for that, some say HD25.
IEMs would be my suggestion, if budget allows. Otherwise an amp will help with volume. Decent IEMs come with many buds to fit all ears, they adjust the way they sound and be more or less isolating depends on what you use also.
Yeah I think IEMs sound like the way to go but as usual I have no idea on what to look for as in make or bang for buck, also she has a dilike for wirless headphones.

Maybe something like the Sure se425 ?.
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All the big names are fine. I recommend detachable cable for IEMs to be safe, but again depends on budget. Shure are reputable, but one of the few brands i've never even demo'd.
I'd avoid in built mic and wireless if you want to save on cash. Extra tech just costs if you don't need it.
Some brands i know focus on monitors for musician use. But they can lack "fun". So depends on what she's after really. I have some Westone's and they are monitors, so no listening fatigue with them, but they don't have much punch for musical listening for example. But sound separation and vocals are extremely good.
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