Headphone port on front of Akasa Eclipse

25 Feb 2006

Any suggestions as to how I can get to get a Headphone port here on the front of my Akasa Eclipse :

Get a bit of audio cable and a headphone socket, and make a little hole in the removable bracket. Solder the wire to the socket, put the socket in the hole in metal bracket, and wire it up :)

That's how i'd do it anyway..
Jaap74 said:
I should have said in my post : I AM LAZY !!!

Is there anything ready made I can buy ?

Not likely. The easiest thing to do, would be to get a jack plug extension lead and simply run it from the bqck of the pc. If you want it in the front of the case, your going to have to get your hands dirty and get modding im afraid. Modding isn't hard though, and seeing the results is often satisfying. :)
yeah thats what i have at the moment, an extension from the back of the pc to the speakers which i just swap out with the headphones when necessary

looks like i'll be staying with that then............
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