Headphone recommendations.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Im in the market for some headphones to replace my MX500s.
I was gonna get some CX300s, but theres no inline volume control on them. :(

-Inline Volume Control.
-'Wrap around' cable. (cable goes behind head, if that makes sence).
-No more than £50 at the very most.

I'd like recommendations on normal earbuds, in-ear & the 'big headphones' if possible.

Thanks in advance all. :)
Dont get inline volume controls - they kill sound quality and become noisy later on in life!

For about £50 Sony EX90s (do not confuse with rubbish EX71s) are best bang for money!
Vegetarian said:
Dont get inline volume controls - they kill sound quality and become noisy later on in life!

For about £50 Sony EX90s (do not confuse with rubbish EX71s) are best bang for money!
Ive never had any problems with inline volume controls in the past, and the one on my current MX500s has been working fine for over 2 years now.

I'll have a look at the EX90s tomorrow when im out and about.
I take it by your reaction that they dont have inline volume control?

Im tempted to go for the CX300s tbh, and then get a set of headphones that i can use as well (not at the same time, ones that i can both use with my computer back in the UK, and the occasional usage with my iPod.
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BoomAM said:
Ive never had any problems with inline volume controls in the past, and the one on my current MX500s has been working fine for over 2 years now.

Because you dont know any better mate :) The mx400s always sounded better than the 500s - they were identical bar inline volume!
Arguable that is.

Anyway, any tips on headphones? im gonna look at those Sonys & the CX300s today.
I personally love the sound of my Koss Porta Pros, although they're probably not what you're looking for. I can't stand in-ear jobbies. The two sets I've owned, EX71 and CX300 have both suffered from the same problems - being able to hear your own breathing, your footsteps, the wire moving and any slight movement of the phone in the ear canal. Dunno if all in-ear phones suffer from that problem though, but it really ruined them for me.

I don't really rate the CX300 for sound quality anymore either (miles better than the EX71 though which went in the bin). There's a touch of distortion about the sound on mine, especially the bass, and the highs are a little flat.
Ive noticed that with inner-ear ones as well. My old W800 came with some inner-ear's, and i noticed that you can hear everything.

As im in Japan, and things like that are cheap here, im planning on getting some earphones, either normal or inner-ear, and some proper headphones as well.
Ive had a go with the CX300s in BIC, but the lack of built in volume control really annoys me.
Are there any good ear/headphones out that have volume control on?
BUSH said:
I vaguely remember seeing an inline volume accessory made by koss i think, which would work with any headphones, thus widening the headphones available to you.

had a quick google - http://www.koss.com/koss/kossweb.nsf/p?openform&pc^ac^VC20
But its not exactely the elegant solution of a proper inline, thats v.small and wont get in the way. :p
Good to know of though. :)
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