Headphone stand - suggestions needed!

12 Dec 2020
Hello all!

I am an engineer and a big fan of perfect audio, especially on my headphones. Some time ago, I bought the AKG k612 headphones and I love them. Perfect and clean audio, very open scene and the design! Worth every penny I spent on it.
However, the one problem I found is that I am concerned about the headbands distortion, when not using it and hanging on headphone hanger.
That's why (as an engineer) I started thinking of the solution, how to store my k612 and be calm about headbands. I've made my headphone stand (so I don't need to hang k612) and I want to share it with the world.
However I would like to meet the premium look of the k612, it is quite challenging though! I am wondering about several aspects, so I created my own survey/research.
Could You please, as true Audiophiles, help me with this one, so I'll get rid off my dilemmas?
If you leave your email in the form (totally optional), I will send you a discount code once my headphone stand is available for sale!


PS. The survey should take no longer than 1 minute to complete!
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Completed. But...

There's a bucket load of headphone stands already out there that won't lead to headband stretch or pad compression. The only thing you can do that might be appealing is aesthetically, but there's plenty out there already that are pretty nice.

Further to that, the weight of 612s and the stock pads doesn't really lend itself to band stretch or pad compression. Even with dakoni pads the clamping force of the 612 wouldn't end up with pad compression.

Good luck with your endeavour though.... :cool:
My K702s happily hang off an Asda mug tree by the overhead wires - no headband stretch and no pad compression - cost £4.50 :D
All I want is for headphone stands to have a notch or two at the back that you can wrap the cable around instead of dangling it everywhere.
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