Headphone Stands

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
After a wee bit of googling I can only really find banana stands that are used to hold a good pair of cans up. There's also one by Sennheiser but it appears they don't sell them on their own.

I myself use a fruit stand, and after having knocked it across my room just now am wondering what else is out there? What do you fellas have?
Another alternative is a glass head headphone stand, that is selling for £23, that I found on a hi-fi web site:

mrk, I was going to get a similar stand but I didn't want it to leave a "groove" in the Beyer's headband padding. Has it done anything to the headband on your 555s?

Not that I've noticed, there is a slight groove but it feels like it left the factory like that as 2 pads!
I use velcro.

Nailed a strip to the wall, then just loop a strip round the headband and stick them to the wall, and just unvelcro when needed.
Thanks for the replies fellas, keep them coming and post your pics too :)

I have a banana stand atm but it's not very elaborate and I swear the part that holds my headphones up has warped the bars of my AT's.

I'm very tempted to get a head shaped thing. I might ask a shop if they have a spare mannequin (sic) going lol
Thanks for the replies fellas, keep them coming and post your pics too :)

I have a banana stand atm but it's not very elaborate and I swear the part that holds my headphones up has warped the bars of my AT's.

I'm very tempted to get a head shaped thing. I might ask a shop if they have a spare mannequin (sic) going lol

They will think you have object sexuality,

"Yes, do you have a spare manequin head spare please, my girlfriend just isnt the same without a face"
buy some sennheiser hd 485's ;)

I had thought about just taking the stand out and selling the cans to try and get as much as possible back. However after taking postage into account and (if it doesn't sell e.g. here) eBay listing fees (therefore paypal fees too) then it's not really worth it in my opinion.
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