headphones for ipod

I prefer the 500s, but whatever you get, make sure you buy from a reputable dealer as there are a lot of fake Senns about.

Yeah this, I've heard there are a lot of fakes on the bay. A quick google and they are selling for around £15 which is great value. I paid £20 for mine a couple of years ago and I'd pay it again. As long as you don't do what I did when I first got them and not put them in your ears properly the sound is great!

I'm by no means an expert I just love my 300s - if you say the 500s are better then they may well be! :D
And they're open making them fairly useless for on the go, CX300 suck as do the 500s (sorry people with them, but they really do).

The CX400s are pretty decent as are Sony EX-85s, my personal favs under £100 are the Denon ACH-551s. Plenty of bass, crystal clear highs and mids and the build quality is fantastic (metal).
I really didn't like the CX400-IIs, far too bassy with practically no top end where it counts, they just sounded dull and boomy to me. The CX500s are so much better. You can't just say that something sucks without giving any reason.

I use Comply foam tips with my CX500s and I think they sound superb.
I used some and they sounded awful, dull and muddled lows, harsh highs... they just weren't very nice to listen to. The CX-400s (not the IIs) sounded much clearer but still not great.

I was using the standard plugs but then I am with my Denons too and they're much better.

Of course it depends on the person, others may find the CX-300s to be excellent.
But I find a lot of people have the CX-300s in particular as their first decent headphones and keep recommending them without anything to compare, I have done the same.
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Hard to say without a budget :) I love my Etymotic hf2 - they were about £100.

I've been though three pairs in a year. Build quality is as bad as the sound quality is fantastic.

Alos, designed specifically for the iphone so have an inline mic and click control. Not sure if the control will work with an ipod so probably pointless.
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