headphones for pc and ps3

  • Thread starter Thread starter zia
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29 Jan 2007
sorry yet again another thread about headphones.basically been looking at lot headphones reading reviews and searching forum for what headphones people generally use.
requirements are headphones set for pc and ps3 gaming,
not too bothered audiophile quality as worn't be listen to music that often.
need to been good quality and have attached microphone.
guess if i wanted a pc headphones most people would go with sennheiser 595 and desktop mic but guess this combo wouldn't work for ps3. with ps3 guess i'd need something with optical input
some headphones been considering


http://www.engadget.com/2007/12/08/astros-slick-new-a40-gaming-audio-headset/ (only availabe in us apparently)

any other headphones i should consider?.

ty zia
sorry yet again another thread about headphones.basically been looking at lot headphones reading reviews and searching forum for what headphones people generally use.
requirements are headphones set for pc and ps3 gaming,
not too bothered audiophile quality as worn't be listen to music that often.
need to been good quality and have attached microphone.
guess if i wanted a pc headphones most people would go with sennheiser 595 and desktop mic but guess this combo wouldn't work for ps3. with ps3 guess i'd need something with optical input
some headphones been considering


http://www.engadget.com/2007/12/08/astros-slick-new-a40-gaming-audio-headset/ (only availabe in us apparently)

any other headphones i should consider?.

ty zia

i have just got myself the Sharkoon X-Tatic 5.1 headphones for the PS3 and although they work you will need a usb adapter for the mic which is where the fun begins.

i got an extension lead with the Sharkoon but couldn't get it to work correctly so i have to make my own mic lead, if you are ok will soldering then i can tell you what you need to do this.

as for the usb adapter i am using an UA-302 USB Audio Adapter (google search) all you do is plug this in to any of the usb sockets on the PS3 and then plug your mic in the adapter.

The Astro A40 sounds like it might be better than the skarkoon but as you say they don't post to the UK but i am waiting for a reply to see if they can do something about this.

something else you might not know is that you can use the Astro with any headphones as the headphones are only two channel not 5 like the sharoons so i am going for just the A40 mixer and some 595 with a desktop mic.

if you want any more info then let me know.

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cheers didn't know beyerdynamic did amps with optical input.
tony yes i'd be quite intersted in mixer box too.i've sent them a email aswell . let me know if you get a response.

cheers didn't know beyerdynamic did amps with optical input.
tony yes i'd be quite intersted in mixer box too.i've sent them a email aswell . let me know if you get a response.



i haven't had any response from them yet :mad:
bugger this the response i got :mad:

Unfortunately we are not accepting orders for overseas delivery at thistime. We are currently doing a trial international run to Canada to work outsome of the issues we had in regards to cost efficiency for shipment andwarranty coverage. We do plan on resuming full international shippingsometime in the next month or so pending we can get all of those issuesworked out. If you would like to be updated on when we do resumeinternational shipping, I would encourage you to sign up for our mailinglist off the main page of our website. Sorry about that, but thanks for your interest in the A40 Audio System!

bugger this the response i got :mad:


well at least they are working on shipping overseas and as i already have a system setup at the moment then that dose not bother me to much but for you looking to buy a new system then it looks like you are going to have to wait or find something else.

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