Headphones for vinyl player

It's not the "ear buds" fault... but the output on the player.. or your ears ;)
Get a USB Headphone AMP/DAC to plug the deck that then can drive the headphones properly. Look at iFi audio... it might work, need to check compatibility with the players output...

Could you list us a decent amp/dac what would be compatible with the player please!
Looked up the player, see it has RCA output as well, so you can plug it into a stereo amp... so choice is huge.... So what ever fits your budget.

I've all ready got it setup to a sonos amp then that wirelessly connect to my sonos is play 1s and play bar.

Just want to be able to also listen to it through headphones.

I've got a budget off £100 for the connector to plug into my headphone so what option would you pick ? That also works with my viynl player
Don't Sonos provide a headphone socket ? ...........
Have a look on Richer Sounds or similar for headphone amps.... not my thing really.

I'm not sure what component would be compatible either!! Could anybody else be able to help please ???
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