Headphones to go with a Xonar DX

26 Apr 2008
Bristol, Old Blighty
All I have right now are cheap £5 headphones I picked up from a copy shop. I've been thinking of getting one of those Xonar DX sound cards to replace my onboard sound, but I really think I'd need a proper set of nice headphones to go with it, to get the full benefit.

So any suggestions? It'll need a microphone attached too.
The Sennheiser pro gaming series are superb, you can't go wrong with them. I have a Xonar DX and I'm using a set of Sennheiser PC155 pro gaming which I've had for about 2 years, the sound quality for music and games is outstanding.
i bought a pair of Sennheiser HD595's yesterday, they ought to be arriving shortly.

if the '595's are out of your pricerange, then go for the 555's, and then the 515's.

basically, all sennheisers are good!
Can vouch for them too.

Just sold my 555's which were truly excellent and now on a set of 595's.

The 555's for the money are great headphones IMO.

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