Headphones while riding

3 Jan 2005
Right not sure on peoples views on this, whether its illegal or not

But anyway, my ride is 45mins and been looking at headphones to cut down on the wind noise and stay in my ears while I ride

Any recommendations
Its the horrible weather, as it my main commuter I just like to get my head down and get there. Can't set the road on fire when its horrible and wet so having tunes takes the boring out of the ride
I had no idea that bikers listened to music while riding around. This will make me feel much safer when I see them in future.
I would have thought that riding something powerful would make one much more reliant on all their senses. I haven't rode a bike (they kinda scare me) but if I ever did I'd be really worried if I couldn't hear what's going on around me.

Thing is you are more reliant on your vision, hearing is a small part of it as the helmet cuts out a lot of sound. The problem you have with some helmets is wind noise. If you ride a lot after awhile it can damage your hearing.

That is why you "should" see bikers looking around more
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