Heads up: Gameplay sale

Some bargains there.
Shame I have all the ones that would interest me already.

Serious Sam 2 for £3 should just be added to any order. Great game for a quick blast and bit of mayhem.
can sum1 show me sum screenies of serious sam 2 online jus 2 see if its worth getting, i bought quake 4 and fear but i hated them online and never bother playing them , im a cs source and cod 2 man
^^ dude, you can google for reviews of the game lol,

would be easier than somone running the game, taking screenies and uploading them :) lol

lazy bugger
SiD the Turtle said:
Hope the Don's don't mind if I double post this in the Console forum too :D

I think they will mind as posting links to competitors is forbidden as stated in the FAQ. OcUK only sells a couple of games so I am not sure how these sites are competitors, but I've seen plenty of threads and posts deleted because of it (some where mine.)
SiD the Turtle said:
Unless its changed in the last few days I though gamplay was on the 'safelist'?
Didn't know there was one, but I've had posts about -snip- and -snip- deleted before.
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