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17 May 2004
Telford, Shropshire
From tonights dates onwards (Brum on 31st, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, London, Bournemouth e.t.c e.t.c e.t.c) all been postponed due to Mike messing up his hand (guitar player). he's having surgery so tour is basically off till further notice. All gigs have been postponed till end of May.

Offical notice at: http://www.enjoyincubus.com/

can't copy and paste the exact stuff I'm afraid, but it's 100% official.
Yup, girlfriends favourite band. Bought tickets for us as it's her birthday really near to the tour, but obviously both dissapointed now.

Still... hopefully upon rescheduling, it'll be a great show.
Couple of people I know were going to the London one, as much as I would be dissapointed I couldn't get tickets so :p
I was going to the Nottingham one... Slightly fortuitously I hadn't booked my flight over yet, and now it should be right at the beginning of uni next year... Really hope Mike recovers OK.

Anyone got a good link to a news story about it? enjoyincubus.com is slightly lacking
Good news, hopefully me and *** girlfriend arn't in Rome at that time, as that would suck majorly.
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