Heads up: Unraid Pro upgrade sale pricing

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
In case this is useful to anyone, Lime Tech have a sale running through July on upgrade pricing from Basic or Plus to Pro:

Basic to Pro = $55.30
Plus to Pro = $34.30

This also seems to allow a little quirk in their pricing. So that you could, in theory, buy Basic for $59 and then upgrade during the sale to Pro for £55.30, making the entire cost of Pro only $114.30 (rather than $129 to buy Pro outright).

Arguably the best value software licence I have ever purchased, though two pro licences used to cost a lot less back in the day :)
As tempting as it is, just so I have pro, I currently have Plus & don't see myself ever needing more than 12 drives...

With drive sizes anticipated to jump significantly over the next 2 years and things like rclone and cloud storage being cheap, I wouldn't disagree for most the days of 20+ drives are limited, but i'll be interested to see how they handle the multiple storage pools and further advancements in terms of licence levels. TBH I would quite happily buy Pro on principal, I have had my money out of UnRAID since 2010, 12 years of updates for $45.50 per licence or less than $3.80/yr per server - I almost feel like i'm ripping Limetech off :o
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