Headset recommendations?

25 Feb 2006
Could anyone recommend me a good headset (phones and mic)? Price isn't really an issue but quality is, as I'd like to use the 'phones for listening to music as well as gaming.

Would I be better off buying separate headphones and mic, or even separate phones and headset?

I got used to using the (frankly awful) xbox communicator, which served its purely gaming purpose I suppose, but now I've ditched the xbox completely and returned to pc gaming - Yay! I've never used voice in pc games before but fancy seeing what Battlefield 2 is all about :cool:

If you look in this thread Other thread link

I have discussed my DSP 500 Headset which i love, can't tell u what its like listening to music as i just use them soley for voice chat, but when i get home from work i could let u know. I have to say now i am no music buff so what sounds ok to me on the headphones may sound aweful to u.
They look good but unfortunately have a usb connection so wouldn't be much good for the X-fi :(

Thanks for taking the time to reply though :)
To be honest I would avoid the 5.1 sets for music listenning. I've had both the Medusa and Zalman and while the 5.1 is useful in games, the sound quality is not good.

Something by Sennheiser would be your best bet. The USB is optional with the Sennheiser sets, ie you can use them plugged straight into your soundcard and not use the USB extension. PC150 or PC160 maybe?
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