Headstumper on Xmas Eve

15 Jan 2007
Dumfries, Scotland
So I went out Xmas Eve morn for an hour, used pc perfectly fine, came home and no internet on it at all.

Everything else in the house works, used my daughters pc to look at the router (vodafone, shh I know) and it shows up my daughters as Asrock but only shows the mac address for my pc, also it only has ipv6 settings whereas my daughters has ipv4 and ipv6.

I also cant open network settings, and I have a firewall warning saying it is using settings which may make it unsafe.

I have ran Malwarebytes etc, nothing has been found.

Ive had a fiddle this morning reading thru various websites and have managed to get a few sites working now (Daily Mail, here) but no bt email and my accounts (Epic, Steam say offline)

Any ideas at all?

Cheers & Merry belated Chrimbo
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : broadband
IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2a0a:ef40:678:b01:164d:66c5:f799:
IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2a0a:ef40:678:b02:1798:1d42:f96e:
Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : 2a0a:ef40:678:b01:68f5:267f:e3c:
Temporary IPv6 Address. . . . . . : 2a0a:ef40:678:b02:68f5:267f:e3c:

Nope, get this
Did someone turn uncheck the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option in your NIC properties?

EDIT: Missed the part about can't open Network Settings - sounds like a software problem? What exactly does it say? Tried opening control panel with Admin rights or in safe mode?
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Maybe try just booting from a Linux live USB etc to see if it's an OS issue, rather than hardware.

For fear of repeating myself, have you tired this yet? It'll take you 15 mins or less if you have a USB drive laying around?

I had a sort of similar situation happen before. In my case, the router had developed some strange software fault with it's DNS settings and it was giving my main rig (and only my main rig, other devices were fine) some funny connections (and every 15-25s a disconnection like effect and only certain sites could be sort of reached, so sounds similar to somewhat you experienced). Had to shut the router, modem (ONT), and PC down and wait a few minutes before repowering it back up to resolve it rather than just a basic reboot. No issues for me since.

I saw you said that you restarted it, but did you just restart or do a full shut down and wait 3 minutes before powering on again for every item?
Ok tried, no idea how to work linux, I tried to download chrome, wouldnt run after i got it, but in the network it had ipv4 stuff, but I couldnt get a browser open
If you downloaded chrome, it would suggest you had a connection. Did it have DNS set? Could try to manually set it IP and DNS to temporarily.

This behaviour is very odd - nothing in should be causing you to lose NIC settings in two different OS. Do you have a second NIC to compare? When you have a IP can you "ping" or resolve any of the websites you can't reach?
If you've got a new NIC and still nothing, the issue likely remains on the switch/router side. When you did your restart before, including factory reset, did you actually power down the devices or just reset them?
If you've got a new NIC and still nothing, the issue likely remains on the switch/router side. When you did your restart before, including factory reset, did you actually power down the devices or just reset them?

All other connected devices are working normally.

Seems like a config issue on the PC.

@Ewanb75 if you have another PC, install the new NIC on there and check.
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