Heaters not working

25 Jul 2003

The heaters in my golf mk3 are not working properly. It will only go very slightly warm. Even though I give it more than enough time to warm up. Any ideas as what could be the problem, and how much it would cost to sort out?

Heater matrix? Whats that? How much to fix?

I havent used anything. Whether the previous owner did I dont know, as it wasnt working when I bought it.

real said:
Heater matrix? Whats that? How much to fix?

I havent used anything. Whether the previous owner did I dont know, as it wasnt working when I bought it.


A heater matrix looks like a mini radiator, usually located behind the dash. Try a thermostat before anything else though.
What are the water temps like? If the waters not heating up then its probably the thermostat. T'is the most common cause, especially this time of year.
Bug One said:
What are the water temps like? If the waters not heating up then its probably the thermostat. T'is the most common cause, especially this time of year.

Thats what my money is on too. Just change it they are only about £6-10.
Check that your coolant levels are correct too - heater not working is sometimes a sign of coolant loss, sometimes due to head gasket failure (as it was on my GF's Lancer)
Coolant loss?

There is a leak somewhere in the water tank. I have to fill it up every couple of days. It is somehow escaping from the sides of the tank. Is this connected to the heater problem?

Low coolant will indeed cause a lukewarm heater. Also, your heater matrix may be blocked. This is usually caused by the water not having any antifreeze in it. I have noticed this problem a lot lately at work (but mostly on French cars for some reason!) You may need to disconnect the pipes from the matrix (there will be two heater pipes going through the bulkhead) and backflush the matrix with a hosepipe. Works 99% of the time for me anyhow.
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