Heatsink / fan combo for a Pi 3B+?

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Has anyone used one of these or can suggest an alternative?

It's going to be in a box, 35ft up in the air and running at around 50% CPU load all the time. I'm doing something similar now with a 3B but it's running lower load and the 3B+ gets hotter than the 3B.

No issues in the winter but I want to be sure it doesn't overheat and throttle back when the weather is warm.
Not a weather station but an ADS-B receiver and the box is a light grey colour (and it's been there for eighteen months so probably well covered in bird droppings now). Thanks, I didn't expect an answer so quickly. This is what the temperature was recorded at over the last year, sorry it's in F

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