Heavenly Sword, Blood and a Demo.

15 Nov 2006
* Blood: "We took a conscious decision to deliver a fairly elegant blood effect rather splashing it all over the walls as this is far more in keeping with the look and feel of the game." We take it that means we'll see some stylish blood-letting.

* Special Edition: In a word, no. Sony has decided that, instead of making you pay extra for a special edition of the game, they're going to let Ninja Theory cram as many as they can onto the single Blu-ray disc. So far, they're planning for the retail disc to feature "a series of behind the scenes features as well as the first 2 episodes of a special 'animated series' exploring the history of the Heavenly Sword prior to the start of the game." Can you say, awesome?

* Game Length: "It's hard to estimate exactly how long it'll take someone to run through it the first time but we believe that you can expect somewhere between 12-15 hours of play."

* Demo: He explains they've got plans for a demo in the very near future and have been working on it for some time. If you want his words exactly, he says to "keep an eye out for this in the very near future...and i mean very near future!" Our clocks are ticking.

This game is going to rape.
I Can't wait. Very good news in regards to the special edition, I was gonna have a very negative comment to the first games company who charge extra for a special edition knowing full well they can fit it on the Blu-Ray disc.
Ooooooooooo demo during E3 maybe?
Sounds likely. I love e3. Hopefully Sony can put on a PSN show like Microsoft did with Xbox360 last year, that was awesome. So much to download on the marketplace.

I think we can rely on Microsoft to do it again too.
NokkonWud said:
Sounds likely. I love e3. Hopefully Sony can put on a PSN show like Microsoft did with Xbox360 last year, that was awesome. So much to download on the marketplace.

I think we can rely on Microsoft to do it again too.

Microsoft have confirmed that the E3 goodies will be on the marketplace as per last year. Sony have not said anything yet theres a lot of talk about it on the Sony Blog site. Sony released the HD vids they was aloud to from the Gamers day thing earlier in the year on the PSN so they still might.

Anyway back to topic, have heard that in July there should be demos for this and Lair available which if true will be great!
Jihad said:
This is the first big game for PS3 in my opinion, it appeals to me much more than Lair/Uncharted.

Same for me, this is the first AAA title for the console. The trailer off the PSN looks awesome, and I love the art direction of the game. Could the protagonist possibly be the next Lara Croft?
The idea of the special animated bonus feature is brilliant. There should be more stuff like this, especially at the normal retail price. It is something to differentiate the game from others at full price as well.
It reminds me of PC S.Es which you can always seem to get at the exact same price as the normal editions at at least some retailers.

Oh and this game does look really good. There are a few PS3 games that really make me want one.
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