Hedges (as in garden)

13 May 2003
Hi all

I want to plant a hedge on our front lawn, to improve privacy really. However I know nothing about hedges and was hoping some members could educate me.

I want a dense evergreen one, and that's all I really know.

Which kind is best?
When should I buy?
How should I plant it?
When should I plant it?
Where should I buy it from?

And anything else you can think of will be gratefully received!

I imagine this thread is a follow-up from the main road one. He is looking at the costs involved of installing a 'privacy hedge' I imagine. But why he hasn't just said that, is a bit weird.
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As above Laurel and Privet would be ideal.
Holly, Berberis or Pittosporum would also work and offer something slightly different.
Plus berberis is sharp as hell so works well as a deterent to burglars.

With regards to buying most are suitable to buying and planting out throughout the year, although frost could cause a few problems if left till Winter.
I find it best to buy from a local nursery or market but that'll depend on your location.
When choosing a plant if you lift it out the pot look for healthy roots, not dry or rootbound.
I don't know why anyone has a problem with what someone else does with their house. The houses on that street look horrible anyway (like most houses in Britain), the trees are a vast improvement.

As for the op's question, I was also looking for an evergreen hedge to provide some security and privacy at the end of my garden. I found that PYRACANTHA was recommended a lot on forums as they are full of berries in winter and are supposed to grow fast, also recommended when i asked at B&Q. They also have spikes that would stop people climbing over/through them.



As for the other questions, I don't know as I too was asking how to grow them on here but didn't get much help :p.

EDIT: But apparently now is a good time to plant them ready for next spring as they get a chance to grow their roots before winter sets in.
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Cheers hedge-meisters, will investigate the above.

I wanted to keep my house dilemma separate for obvious reasons of keeping focus on the thread topic and not cross-contaminating the thread subjects, but since you asked, I'm still debating our house move and part of that is considering how to improve the privacy and look of the front of the house using hedges.
Since I know you've all been waiting with baited breath for an update, we moved house in December and are about to plant...

Osmanthus Delavayi. Slow growing but dense with small green leaves, evergreen, and can be clipped to form a neat hedge or left to grow bushy-style. Sweet smelling small white flowers in the spring, low maintenance and hardy.

See you in ten years when it'll be around 3m tall!

P.S. if someone could move this to 'Home and Garden' please--->
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Beech Hedging (Fagus Sylvatica) you can buy bare rooted stocked up to early April which is a lot cheaper than potted usually available all the year round.
It has medium sized leaves which are green spring/summer & dry and copper coloured in the autumn/winter so it has two distinctly different appearances depending on the season.
Bare rooted is available in several sizes 40/60cm, 60/90cm are the sizes I use, but you can buy larger, & they then get expensive.

Buy direct from the nursery, as it's usually cheaper, I'm getting some 40/60cm bare rooted this week, costing me £8:50p per 10 plants.

Leylandii avoid it like the plague, Laurel need a lot of work pruning, can put on quite a few feet in height in a year, can easily reach 15' or so in a few years..
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