Helblade help

17 May 2013
West Sussex, UK
Anyone played this game recently? I'm very stuck and can't get passed a certain bit. I've watched a walkthrough, but I'm seeing different things.


This video walk thorough is where I'm stuck. I go into the room under the wooden beam and see the door with the R on it. I fight off the enemies and my screen goes red, blurry vision, almost like she's poisoned or something. I originally attempted to run away, but I die in around 30 seconds.

The walkthrough shows this differently. Once the enemies are down they proceed with the puzzle.

Can anyone shed any light?
I posted on Reddit and got a few answers. Seems I need to stay in the light.

I spent an hour yesterday playing the same but over and over. Had to turn it off in the end lol
Sounds about right. I had a week break of game play so forgot about the that Ng hunting me in the shadows.
I'll give it another go later.
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