held back

13 Feb 2004
Hi lads need some advice I have a A7N8X-X mobo with barton 3200+ my question is how far can i go with a new graph card before i get held back by my mobo thats with 2 gig of ram
Im not too sure what your asking,

Do you mean how far can you overclock your graphics card before the mobo and cpu are an issue or how far you can upgrade it or what?
Nazbit said:
Im not too sure what your asking,

Do you mean how far can you overclock your graphics card before the mobo and cpu are an issue or how far you can upgrade it or what?

sorry did'nt explian clearly,ihave a bfg 660 gt graph card i want to know how far i can go with a new graph card before my rig gives me a bottle neck.
Well, my mate has the XP 3200+, coupled with the same ram i think...? Not to sure about that.

But yea, he has the 7800GS agp card in his rig, and he can play every game very nicely from what ive heard :) If your can get one of them on the cheap its a good investment to tie you over for a fair while.


Theres no technical reason why you cant go as far as you want then in terms of upgradging your graphcis card. You could put the worlds best card in there if you wanted but yes, it would probably be limited by other factors.

I would consider what you use the machine for, what you have to spend and then pick a card that fits in with the rest of your machine.

7800GS has been mentioned, and wouldnt be a bad option.
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