Hell is for Heroes - Self Titled

12 Oct 2004
Aberdeen, Scotland
Anyone had a listen yet? Just had a first cursory listen, absolutely loved it, much better than Transmit/Disrupt I think. I'm one of these people that takes a while to warm up to albums, but I can imagine this being on a par with The Neon Handshake.

If you haven't heard it yet, go grab it, its very good! If you haven't heard of them, go get Neon Handshake and this album too, best non-mainstream british alt-rock band around I reckon!
tom_nieto said:
I love the Neon Handshake. Might have to invest in this.

Yeah, get it ASAP, the album to this day remains one of my very favourite. I found out about the band through a friend who recommended a listen, heard a few songs, thought they weren't bad... then I saw that they were playing locally about 2 weeks after i'd heard about them, so grabbed a few tickets for me 'n the other half. Been hooked ever since that gig (Moshulu, Aberdeen). Heaps of energy live, great performers, I can see them going places tbh (whether they want to or not considering their non-conformist anti-mainstream attitude)...

Personally couldn't get into Transmit-Disrupt so much, apart from Kamichi which I love. However, this album is definately getting close to the greatness of the neon handshake, so thoroughly recommended!
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