Helldivers 2

14 Jul 2004
Melbourne , Oz.

This one sneaked up on me, out in three weeks. Looks great, very Starship Trooper-ry. Mindless online co-op shooting for a bargain price, right up my street. I have just preordered it although it is giving a bit of Aliens Fireteam Elite vibes which I really liked but did get bored of quickly once I'd levelled all the classes up.
Yep, played the tutorial last night and a single mission with a random. I played barely an hour after it had gone live and there were only two planets in the first sector that the community hadn't cleared out. Its a good concept that i'm sure has likely been implemented elsewhere but I haven't seen it before and perhaps it may need a re-think. Maybe the devs didn't anticipate it would be that popular.

I like it so far but obviously too early to form much of an opinion. Fun and hectic shooter. Died twice, once to FF. Mechanically it does feel a lot like Aliens fireteam which was great but had a very short life span. I like the calling in of support weapons or supplies. Gets a bit tricky reinforcing a dead teammate when under fire though but I'm sure the D pad patterns will become second nature after a while. Looking forward to properly getting into it this weekend.
I only played a little of this on day of release (Thursday night) without issue. Tried Friday and couldn't get into a multiplayer session.
I'm going to put some serious hours in this weekend, so loaded up this morning before work and downloaded and installed latest update so I'll be ready. However couldn't get past the loading screen and got a repeated "failed to create lobby - contact support if problem persists" with a 60 second countdown timer to retry, which it failed again. Stayed that way for 20 minutes. Anyone playing now or earlier?
It's still pretty good in solo imo - you can set the play to easy/medium and get a decent challenge, but it's not a patch on MP.

Once you've unlocked a decent amount of kit, you can really hold your own solo - I'm level 12 or 13 now (can't log into the servers tonight) and have some pretty decent tools now; the like auto cannon :D

It's certainly got the feel of Starship Troopers though, not just because one sector of the galaxy has bugs, but the general tone of the Super Earth forces, could have come straight out of the film
How do you unlock better guns? Just buying them with medals as you progress? I'm level 6 but find the AR you start with to be the best despite unlocking and not liking the shotgun or the sniper. Premium warbond has a load of explosive weapons in at the same level.
I didn’t know how to unlock further stratagems but just watched a vid on it. :o Will give it a try.
Only been killing bugs so far. Had one go on the other side but we were absolutely overwhelmed. Too hard!
Still buggy as hell. Network connection errors a plenty but still managed a few hours last night, great fun with some friends now I have unlocked a few more stratagems.
I said in my first post it feels a lot like aliens fireteam to me. I loved that but it had very limited appeal once you had levelled up the weapons, all a bit same same. Starting to feel it a little here too and progression feels very slow. I’m level 8, still using the same gun they gave me when I started.
I reckon they should up the squad count to 6 or even 8 - you could split up into smaller fireteams then, and work on different objectives.

I'd imagine completing all the bits in a map, at max level, will be blood pressure popping agony :D
I watched a guy soloing Helldive difficulty on YouTube. Hectic.

Played some more late Saturday, up to level 10. Seemed very stable playing with randoms, no disconnects or bugs. Was super easy joining squads Gameplay loop is very satisfying yet very simple. Easier said than done but it’s amazing how many big budget games just don’t get it right.
Amazing game no doubt but I have to say I'm getting really tired of the game crashing especially when you're playing on the harder difficulties for it to crash and you lose all progress....
On PS?
Thankfully not experienced that, did have a couple of instances on friday or the game freezing as we got into the hellpods. Everyone else was on their way to the mission but I got stuck on a screen just looking at the galactic war table. Had to force a restart. For me it all seems to be fixed now although still had some times when I couldn't equip a booster in the readying up screen. Not sure if that is mission related or not as it seemed quite random.
Had a great time over the weekend on it. Unlocked the Breaker and the nade launcher now. I'm still running the super light armour - not sure if they have fixed the armour stats yet? Played mostly with randoms and most seem to want to hit as many objectives as possible before extract, which is good. Did find a crew that were running a defend mission against the bots over and over again. Good for medals but bit dull. The bugs are much more fun to kill. I had 45 medals when I logged in though after not playing for a week, not sure if a bug or not. Spent them anyway so they can't take them back now.
I had two disconnects but only when viewing stats post mission.
This looks like what Gears Of War 4 should've been. I might give this a go. I was addicted to Gears 3 for years,and 4 was such a letdown. Is Aliens Fireteam just like this? I love Aliens lore!
It has similarities to Fireteam (which I really liked) in terms of the set up but levelling up is different and you don't level your gear and weapons here or add attachments. Gameplay is all outdoors here, no ship corridors and that kind of thing and of course the best thing about Fireteam isn't here - that electric whistle sound of the mag emptying. More enemy types though.

It really is good fun though and has a longer appeal than AFE.
Haha we were playing that objective last night. The sound with headphones when that nuke hits is glorious.
There are so many reels and memes on instagram about it. Obviously me looking at one has opened the doors to a thousand of them though.

Its funny because it's hardly revolutionised gaming but the gaming industry seems to be in real strife at the moment and here we have something that kind of sneaked up on us. Its far from the greatest game of all time, it's not even full price, it launched with massive server issues, buggy as hell, has no campaign or story mode and has an element of monetisation and is very limited in its scope yet it is having such a huge impact on the community.
I think game studios forget we want something that is fun to play and when we get that, we don't really care much about the other bits.
Had a decent sized patch according to the PC players. 2.7G. Breaker nerfed :rolleyes:

  • Helldivers standing next to ICBMs during launch will get properly toasty with a chance of not-so-spontaneous combustion.
I have 555 space credits (or whatever) couldn't figure out how to purchase the warbond though. By all accounts that gun is OP. Seems like it renders all the other unlocks on the standard warbonds a bit of a waste of time and medals. I did pick one up in game that someone dropped after he died, seems good but the delayed fire was a bit tricky. He came straight back into the game and gave me a load of foul mouthed abuse for picking it up. Surely he came back into the game with a fresh one :confused:. I don't take support weapons and items that dead players drop but I felt taking that was ok. Shot him in the head and he disconnected.
Jumped on for a few hours at the weekend having not played much for a while. Still good fun although seemed to be dying easy on hard. Whats the current bug killing meta build? Incendiary breaker still the go to?
Anyone gone back to this this week? I saw a video of the update on Insatgram and I thought it was some sort of mod or AI. Looks tremendous, might have to dust it off and spread some democracy.
They've listened to the outcry from the community and released the remainder of the items for free. As for the tripods if you use the HMG and aim where the legs connect to the body it takes them down in no time at all. Have to say though the performance of HD2 on PS5 is really struggling it feels at times that we must be getting around 30-40fps when things are getting frantic which is a shame.

Tremendous update, can't put it down would highly recommend it to you all that haven't logged in for a while and don't worry about the Killzone 2 stuff behind the paywall the auto rifle is pretty meh!
Think I was about level 20 when I stopped playing. Will my current weapons be ok or would throwing them at the enemies be better and I need to spend a load of dosh on warbonds?
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