Hello and thanks!

21 Sep 2014
So I just signed up to get some advice on building a PC, didn't really know much read some basic stuff but not as much as I needed to actually persue building a PC by myself.

I got a lot of helpful recommendations by a few members, to get the most out of my budget and not just a fanboy war!

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to all of those members and my build is now nearing completion, just waiting for the graphics card! I'd post pics and stuff but it's pretty much same old window, leds etc. and plus some of the builds I've seen here are amazing and a hell of a lot better. However, I still think my new PC is amazing and hopefully with the GTX970 coming next week it'll be the best thing I've ever had!

This is a introduction forum, so I guess it'll be somewhat polite to introduce myself. I'm Matt (as if the username hasn't gave it away), I'm from the UK and I love gaming! Gamed on pretty much every console, fond memories in the 90's when I was really young playing snes! Which is crazy because I'm barely 20 but I love all kinds of consoles including the retro. Usually it's down to emulation nowadays (although I'd love to own consoles) it's more a space and convenience issue then a too poor issue, I have most of the modern consoles and now I can add PC to that list!

I hope to learn a lot from this forum anyway as I'm fairly new to all this, only started seriously looking into it this year! oh and also thanks to overclockers for the amazing service!!
Welcome to the forum, hopefully see you around.

Good luck with the build, don't forget to share some pics in the relevant threads. ;)
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