Hello every body!!! :)

8 Nov 2010
Bolton UK
Hi peeps,

My names is Cameron gaming name Ron! I come from the old out backs of Bolton just North of Manchester in the UK. I'm Admin over at =WBG= ( World Brotherhood of Gamers) and was introduced to OC by a member called Skotish.

I'm a Volunteer at the Imperial War Museum North so I have access to a wealth of knowledge from the First World War to almost the Present Day.

I'm at college training in a pathetic City & Guild Course in Computer Installations and Networking but it was all I could afford. Hopefully I'll get a help desk job or shelf stacker in Asda so I can buy a Microsoft course :p

If I'm honest I know more about Hardware than I do networks/server admin stuff etc etc.

Well enough about me - I'll go surf the forums for a bit and see if anything helps me or if I can help them!

Over and out :D
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