hello Gunnie_nl is the name and computing is the game.
building rigs for over 15 years, with the first watercooling complete DIY.
yes, blocks, pump, radiator, because 15 years back there was not much to buy.
early adaptor on the Sli even triple, running now a fully watercooled rex3.
what was formally in the LP3 D3sk.
never gone for looks, always for performance.
came by the forum on a post on a W3590, saw some interesting stuff.
tough lets make a account and sniff up some UK OC scene.
building rigs for over 15 years, with the first watercooling complete DIY.
yes, blocks, pump, radiator, because 15 years back there was not much to buy.
early adaptor on the Sli even triple, running now a fully watercooled rex3.
what was formally in the LP3 D3sk.
never gone for looks, always for performance.
came by the forum on a post on a W3590, saw some interesting stuff.
tough lets make a account and sniff up some UK OC scene.