Hello From Mrs Cheese

11 Jul 2011

I'm Violet, Mrs of TheBigCheese.

Cheese has been badgering me for yonks now to register, so here I am. I'm a long term lurker and it's time I.... errr... 'manned'(?)... up and came out into the scary bright lights.
Now I've finally registered he's asked me to pop up an intro post so it doesn't look to Mods like he's gathering multiple accounts for random reasons :rolleyes:.

About me....

Been with Cheese for ever (I'm sure it feels even longer for him)!

I like to think I'm very logical (well at least when emotion or hormones aren't involved I am) Cheese my disagree. I've got quite a scientific mind, and am working my way up until one day I may be able to be proudly call myself a geek!

PC's wise I've only built a few, the first with my Dad back in the mid 90s, and now help Cheese with our multiple machines. I'm the problem solver (so I'm told) he hands things to me when he's ready to chuck stuff through the window anyway.

Gaming, weirdly enough I prefer watching and collecting information (and telling Cheese that that the thing he's looking for is behind him) that actually gaming myself. But I do love playing through FPSs co-op. First started gaming (if you can call it that with Castle on DOS (mmmmmm..... DOS games!!!!) and my tape deck ZX spectrum, many an afternoon would be spent dancing to that electric beat waiting for my latest game to open and crash!

Overclocking.... not done yet but Cheese has been hinting recently I should begin looking at voltages etc in order to learn overclocking!

Well... that's all that I can think of that relevant for now.... *scrolls back up* "all???"

Anyway "Hi" *waves*
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