Hello guys

2 Sep 2015
Hello, i wanted to avoid creating this thread as i have created this thread to find out what happened to my original account, suddenly months ago i can only see this:


i dont know what happened and i have tried numerous times to contact ocuk mods and admins to no help. I apologize for the thread and i hope the issue to be solved as quickly as possible as i am sure it will because this forum is ace.

If i have done anything against the rules please ignore, delete the thread etc,but as fas as i am concerned i havent.

Thank you in advanceQ:)
I would like to add a question to this thread. I have been a member for some time but the past few times when I log in I get a message saying I have chosen not to accept the forum rules. I have posted nothing so it must have to do with how you intially accept the rules, which I though was via e-mail confirmation. It also says if I want to accept the rules I can hit my browsers back button. Sorry but that makes no sense when you first log on as there is nothing to go back to. Any suggestions before I give up on this forum. Sorry by the way I don't mean to preempt the thread but we seem to have similar issues, being given negative information with no idea why and and in my case a ridiculous suggestion regarding how to fix.
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