Hello I need some help and direction

27 Jul 2006
Hi there,

With the release of the Raspberry Pi and the fact that its going to be using Linux of some flavour. I have never used Linux, I think that I have allways been a little scared of it :confused:

But I have a strong intention to get hold off one of these Pi's and to help get my newphew, who's 10, involved in comuters and computing beyond the control pad of his console.

As there are some big waiting lists to get a Pi i thought my first job would be to get to grips with linux and find out what kind of things I can do on it, and why it is used by some people in prefferance to Windows.

Ok, so my plan is this I have a Dell Laptop that i dont use, as it came with vista and only 1gb of memory and has never run very well. So Im happy to wipe it clean and install Linux on it. However I have no idea how to go about this or what flavour of Linux to use. I believe the Pi is using the Debian one so it may be prudent to use the same one.

I guess my first project will be just to get the Laptop working in a stable way with Linux. If someone could point me to some kind of guide which goes through this step by step. I assume that i will need to make a list of all the hardwear that the laptop has in it.

My second project will be getting to grips with Python, which is the language of choice for the Pi but thats something for another forum.

Once I am comfortable with all of this ill need to find some project for my nephew and I to do, so if anyone can think of any sites or books that are pitched to this level then that would be great.

Thanks in advance as allways for your help in this
Brian Moran.
See this is what you get when you use a public library with books at least 6 years old i was expecting to have to find drivers and all sorts. Well thats the first part sorted easy enough.

Any sugestions for the other aspects of my post, or anyone with other comments?

Thanks again.
Thanks for that.

A quick question about this live environment. The laptop at the moment has Vista on various Dell softwear that came with it. When the live environment is active will i be able to do anything? For example could i make a document and save it so that the next time i run the live environment its available.

The reason i ask is that ive read that Linux and Windows deal with data differently so im not sure what the purpose of a live environment is - other than just to look and go oo thats nice :).

Thanks as allways
Excelent, thanks Jack.

Looks like my current tasks are as follows.

- Look up various types of Linux see which i like
- See if they run in live environment on my lappy
- Install
- Run to forum screaming about my laptop being on fire / trying to start nuclear war.

Cheers as allways
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