Hello OcUK forums

15 Feb 2003
I rarely post a drunken thread so please hang on with me for a few moments.

I've just got in from a night with one of my housemates. We had planned to go out for a pub meal then a few drinks and ended up in a club until just now. I would have stayed later but have to be up at 7 in the morning.

I just wanted to say to you all that you should really take a step back and look at who your tyrue friends really are.

This guy is someone that I;ve known for a few years but never felt that close to, but after tonight would class as one of my closest friends.

He doesn't care about how I classify myself, whether that be in terms of sexuality or beleif. All he cares about is that we get one, we agree to respect each others thoughts, we don't judge each other, etc etc.

After four years of Uni I have met so many people, but surprisingly few are willing to give people a chance before judging them. I have probably 4 or 5 close friends that I really feel I could tell anything to and have them accept what I say and not judge me. One of this small group is an OcUK member by the name of [TW]Fox. I've only met him in real life a couple of times but he seems like a genuinely sound guy.

Anyway, I'm rambling, and thansk for hearing me out, in case I didn't make it above, my main point is that there may be a lot of people around you that could be much closer friends than you think, and at the same point a lot of friends may not ccept you for who you are when you are finally courageous enough to be genuinely open with them.

If you accept me for who I am and do not judge me, you will be a true friend and I will never push my beleifs and views onto you. That is what counts. I will listen to you and offer advice even if I do not feel as you do, and if you do the same in return even if you do not feel as I do, then you are a true friend.

i read that you were drunk thus meaning you'll probably think 'why did i post this' in the morningthus meaning its probably rubbish
Dreadi said:
i read that you were drunk thus meaning you'll probably think 'why did i post this' in the morningthus meaning its probably rubbish

Nah, the truth comes out when you are intoxicated.

edit, my birthday tomorrow ;)
And you wrote that while drunk, wow!

I can only say I agree with everything there, if your mates can not accept you for who you are then they are not your mates.
back before 2...

your clubbing regime sucks...

you havnt had enough time to get sufficient munchy food...

which means you havnt drunk enough...

get back out there...


PS. Dont!
Nice sentiments :).

Tolerance and mutual understanding are the key to a happy existence IMO. Everybody is different and that's something which should be relished.
Adz said:
Nice sentiments :).

Tolerance and mutual understanding are the key to a happy existence IMO. Everybody is different and that's something which should be relished.

:D :cool: Spot on dude, and put a bit mroe succintly that I did!! :)
A friend is for life, and a lover is for consistency. That's why friends come before girls and why, when the consistency is gone, it doesn't make you upset. It simply confuses your mind.

Hence, that's why time heals all wounds. We simply find a new bit of consistency, in the end.

Real friends rock, but when your friends turn their back, we go back to the formula of healing our wounds and finding more friends.

So, if you think about it a little more; the people you know, control your life. This is why branching out to all kinds of people is important. You build up a database, which connects to sub-databases which contain a wider, more accurate and valuable resource to be an overall and open-minded person.

This further proves the theory that our minds simply get confused, and we don't get upset. A sub-database dies and throws a lot of connections and information out of whack. This is why all random things and assumptions reel around your head and you end up doing stupid things. All to do with reconnecting everything back together and deleting the stuff that no longer applies.

Well, that's my stoned, "haven't been to bed in 36 hours" and informative theory which I've just reeled out of my mind. Bored. :p

I'm not even sure if it applies to the topic, but then again, I'm not sure if I actually care right now.

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