Hello Overclockers UK...

22 Apr 2012
Newport, S.E.Wales
Hello everyone :)

I've been building my PC since (dont laugh) the end of January. Yes I know its a long time, but a new gaming desktop PC isn't at the top of my to do list. I have a family and two cars, so my build just happens as and when I get some spare cash....lol

Anyway, once my build is complete I'd be looking to overclock the beast that I have in the way of the CPU (see signature), and I read the beginner guide to overclocking at this site, and so far has gone straight over my head. I heard that my CPU will allow me to just increase the multiplier a few to get better results, but that I think is for another forum/thread. :)

More reading will sort this out though...

And now to explore the site further.

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