Hello the Oc Forumers

9 Dec 2009
Hey guys

Like a few guys I have been lurking posting every so often for quite some time and It occured to me that I have never ventured into this section never mind creating a my own hello thread until now.

If theres one thing I love and that is new shiney desktop componants and thats all there is to really know about me, the rest is mundane. Anyways Hello again to you all and hope to keep on learning and making some common friends.
Hey guys

Like a few guys I have been lurking posting every so often for quite some time and It occured to me that I have never ventured into this section never mind creating a my own hello thread until now.

If theres one thing I love and that is new shiney desktop componants and thats all there is to really know about me, the rest is mundane. Anyways Hello again to you all and hope to keep on learning and making some common friends.

:eek: I'm no commoner! :p

Hello. :)
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