Hello to all Members, thank you for having me

Welcome to ocuk

The best forum on the net by miles

Yeah the avatar thing is a bit weird. I think you should be allowed to change the gender of it or at least have some random genderless thing on it instead if wanted to. Ho hum Anyway just post some stuff and eventually it will go away

Another thing. with that name Beware the intel fan boys :D ( the cpu forum ** cough cough ***)
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Welcome to ocuk

The best forum on the net by miles

Yeah the avatar thing is a bit weird. I think you should be allowed to change the gender of it or at least have some random genderless thing on it instead if wanted to. Ho hum Anyway just post some stuff and eventually it will go away

Another thing. with that name Beware the intel fan boys :D ( the cpu forum ** cough cough ***)
Thank you sir
but I'm talking about GPU AMD I still have intel CPU
but that is a good point, lol

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