Hello To Everyone

11 Apr 2013
Hello All
I am moderately technically minded when it comes to Computers but i am completely new to installing hardware that is anything other than standard. I am currently "Trying" to get the most out of the Desktop Tower PC i currently have therefor i may be seen to be asking what to all you folk's will be stupid questions on the forums. Please be patient with me as i give up very easily if i sence any sort of anamosity towards what i may say or ask. Thankyou all for reading & i look forward to hopefully gaining much advice from any mentors on here.
Yours Most Sincerely
Mike T
West Midlands
Interesting sign off but welcome to the forums :)

If you want to try and get the most out of your current rig it might be worth posting the specs so people can advise.

Hate to ask such a sucking eggs question but do you know the specs of your PC?
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