Hello :)

23 Sep 2012
South Yorkshire, UK
Hi folks, new guy here :)

Name's Anthony, i'm from South Yorkshire, in my late 20s.

I'm a hobbyist 3D artist (most experienced with 3ds max), an avid gamer (Assassin's Creed is the only series i really play though, though i do play RTS games from time to time), Sci-Fi nerd (Doctor Who, Star Trek, Stargate, Transformers, ya know) and I want to try my hand at video capture, editing and encoding.

I signed up here because I need some help picking out components for an upgrade, bought and built my current system almost 5 years ago while on a Microsoft course, and just recently thought it was time to get a DX11 capable card, parents told me to come on here and ask for some help.

Lol, no :D they're not memebers. I bought this card yesterday, thinking the high ram would compensate for the low spec, then after i'd ordered it i did some more research, and realized it wasn't going to cut it, but unfortunately could not cancel my order (can't understand why they won't let you), so we'll send it back when it arrives tomorrow. They told me to ask around on here for help, to make sure i choose the right upgrade.
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