Hi everyone.
Been a customer at overclockers for a long time and am lucky enough to live near them.
Done quite a few builds and have been a windows user back to win95 onwards.
Bit of a gamer but prefer single player type games and have played games since commodor 64.
Iam a bit of a newbie with linux and am starting try a few distro's so may be on the linux part of the forum as got a few questions I need help with.
Right thats a bit about me and another hi to everyone.
Been a customer at overclockers for a long time and am lucky enough to live near them.
Done quite a few builds and have been a windows user back to win95 onwards.
Bit of a gamer but prefer single player type games and have played games since commodor 64.
Iam a bit of a newbie with linux and am starting try a few distro's so may be on the linux part of the forum as got a few questions I need help with.
Right thats a bit about me and another hi to everyone.