Helmet Cam

11 Mar 2008
Norn Iron
And no the title wasnt being rude :p

Im sure you have probably had other threads like this so apologies for that.

Basically im looking a decent camera for mounting on my bike or helmet.

Couple of reasons, one being that i wouldnt mind doing some sort of vlog of my biking and intend to do some decent touring in the summer.

Second and main reason is that id like to be able to have records of my commutes to and from work, hand to have a record of any incidents or near misses and generally just for my own peace of mind.

Price wise id like a decent compromise between price and features. Im not after the absolute top of the range but i dont want something which will be dead in a short amount of time.

If its of any use i ride my bike all year round, only really giving it a miss in snow/ice.

Any suggestions appreciated :)
So I bought a Roadhawk Ride. Couple of reasons: Firstly I got 20% off, and secondly it's got cables that let you wire it into the bike, and do record on power, loop recording etc.

It only does 720p, rather than 1080, and there are times when the resolution means that you can't pick out all parts of a reg number in as many frames as you might be able to.

I've ridden with it attached to the bike, and on the helmet. It's fine on both, although the view from the helmet is more useful (higher, and less vibration). Battery life is barely an hour, as opposed to the 90 minutes I currently get. The picture is also quite sensitive to a dirty power feed - the powerlet/usb socket converter I have doesn't chuck out a very good quality 12V DC signal, and this really degrades the picture quality.

If I were buying again, I'd look at something that maybe had a better battery life in the cold, and mount it on the helmet. Perhaps doing 1080 as well. Other than that, I think it's a reasonable buy.
GoPro Hero 3+ Black edition... A bit pricey but will last you a long time and you can use it anywhere!

I plan to get this for my bike and use it underwater in summer as well for example.
I have the GoPro Hero Motorsport HD... Which is a little dated now. And I have been toying with selling it and upgrading to the GoPro Hero 3 Black edition simply because the quality is enough of a boost to justify the cost.

Sadly, I don't know how I would record audio yet...

As I too would like to vlog at some point.

Also, don't go for the 3+ version, serious issues with focus points on that model. Go for the Hero 3 black edition.
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I have a GoPro Hero 2, its awesome, but I find it a little too bulky stuck on the side of my helmet so I am going to purchase the new Drift Ghost S (or whatever its called) at some point for use on helmet, and use my GoPro to stick on the bike :D
That does look like a nice bit of kit... The GoPro I have has been diving with me to shipwrecks and reefs in Barbados and other places (the camera is good up to 100m!!!), so that's a huge bonus for me. Which is why I will probably stick with GoPro.
im more keen on the drift as the gopro is a bit bulky for being stuck on the side/top of my helm.

Gonna go for it just keepin an eye out for a decent price, dont wanna risk any 2nd hand versions so will hope for a nice discount in sales over xmas :)
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