Help! 37WLT66 or KDL-40V2000 ??

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
Trying to decide between the two! Any suggestions welcome. Also wondering if there's anything on the horizon worth holding out for?

Both sets look great, the Sony costing more but is the additional expense worth it?
IF you've got the cash then the KDLX2010 sill be aout soo and there is another thread saying that the KDLV2050 with 2 HDMI will be out in a few months.
i am making the exact same decision

the tosh is a very good TV, but with 2 big flaws. its replacment is due out next month and has 3 HDMI ports

wait if you can

also, the VGA port is useless as 1:1 pixel mapping cannot be achieved. If you intend to hook up your Xbox 360 via VGA so it can upscale DVDs, or if you intend to hook up a media centre then its not the TV for you.

the Sony on the other hand, does do 1:1 pixel mapping over VGA, but only has 1 HDMI

oh, and if you want to make the price comparission any easier, look at the Sony S series. The only thing its missing is the Live Colour Creation. Its a variable brightness backlight which supposedly improves colour. I demod both side by side at the sony centre and could only tell the difference on 1 clip in about 20.

ps the 40" Sony S series can be had for £1223 inc. postage, the Tosh 37 WLT 66 can be had for £1030 inc postage

the 40" V series on the other hand, is £1505 inc postage. some £500 more than the tosh.


some links for you

the VGA mapping discussed

skip to about page 10 as the first couple of pages are quite old and pure speculation. its only later on in the thread that people actually get their TVs and test stuff out

and the announcement of the new Tosh

and apparently the Sony is going to be replaced by the 2500 with 2 HDMI. but no word on its release date yet.
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Incredible, I started the same thread yesterday :D
Albeit in a more moany fashion ;)

The lower price of the Toshiba makes it tempting, but the lack of 1:1 is a big problem for me, as I want to run DVDs through my PC.
The Sony is gourgeous, but at £500 extra, it's hard to justify that much extra. I hadn't considered the S-series, are they really that close? Only problem is the V-series looks sooo much better than the S-series :p

I'm minded to wait a month or so, and hope that the WLT68 fixes the 1:1 problem. Although by then the V2500 will almost be out, which could be even better.. but probably £500 more! :(
ARGH! Replacement out next month? I just bought one. Never mind - the picture quality is excellent, even with a portable aerial, the Freeview receiver performs perfectly - although I do live only 1 mile away from a transmitter! Nice and clear and bright with a wide viewing angle. Also looks the biz.

One thing that does wind me up is the remote. And the manual is rubbish too.
CVD said:
ARGH! Replacement out next month? I just bought one. Never mind - the picture quality is excellent, even with a portable aerial, the Freeview receiver performs perfectly - although I do live only 1 mile away from a transmitter! Nice and clear and bright with a wide viewing angle. Also looks the biz.

One thing that does wind me up is the remote. And the manual is rubbish too.

Well unless you're desperate for the extra HDMI socket then it's not worth it! Especially since it'll be around £200 more on launch.
Only reason to upgrade would be if they sorted 1:1 scaling through VGA / HDMI at 1360x768. But who knows if that'll happen :(

I saw the 40" S-series and V2000 in the Sony store today, both running HD feeds, and both looked equally good. They also had a 40" V2000 running a SD picture, and it looked pretty nice even from around 6ft. Wipes the floor with my LG :(
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