[Help/Advice] Spec a home server

7 Jan 2016
Hey folks,

I've been running a Teamspeak & Valheim (soon to be modded) server off of my RPI 4 for a little while now, and a group of friends and I are branching out into other games that we would like dedicated servers for (ARMA, MC(Modded), Terraria, etc) which, obviously, is going to be too much for my RPI4. So, I had a thought that a SFF (Micro ITX ideally) headless home server running Debian would be worth a look into. Eventually I would likely even use is as a home file server / PLEX server, too.

I have a i7-7700k laying around from a previously build which is getting no use at the moment, so I thought it would be best to plan this build around it. My main area where I am willing to splash a little extra £ is on the RAM 32-64gb, but I reckon 32gb would be fine.

What suggestions do you folks have on the remaining hardware? I've been doing some reading, and have seen that ASRock/Gigabyte is my best bet when it comes to a mobo, as it should boot headless and I shouldn't need to worry about finding an old GPU to plug in for setting up SSH etc.

Let's say the budget is £250-300, but with extra headroom if absolutely necessary.

Fire away!
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