Help an apple noob, ipad user accounts

18 Oct 2002
Simple situation and fix hopefully, but it's all new to me so just hoping I don't miss anything along the way. I'm aware you cant really have two user accounts on one ipad.

So I'm going to borrow a 2nd gen ipad temporarily and install a £60 app for work.
I'm then going to buy a new ipad when they're released and give this current 2nd gen ipad model back.

Luckily the 2nd gen ipad has basically no paid for apps/music stuff on it, it's just used for browsing things so should be easy to back up. But how do I make a full clone backup of the 2nd gen ipad, wipe it clean, make my new account and install the app I need? And then is it easy to swap my account to my new ipad later?

I see, but the problem would be the current gen2 ipad isn't mine, so not my user id, but if I see that I couldbuy 5 new ipads and put my id on each and they would all be ok. That and users cant easily log in/out on an ipad like a windows machine can they?

Just wanted to check the backup did photos, as thats the only personal thing on there really.
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