Help and advice (balistix)

18 Oct 2005
hey ppl

after about 6/7 months of great preformance i think my mem is dying

2gb (2x1gb) crucial balistix pc 4000

2.6v@ 272mhz (DDR545)
CAS 3-3-3-7

what are my options is basicly what i need to know?

will OCUK take them back or do i have to RMA them back to crucial?

whats the chances of me getting my money back or will have have to take replacments?

if i got my money back some how what ram should i buy?

i got an opty 146 @ 3ghz
dfi SLI-DR
enermax liberty 620w PSU

thanks for the info :)
what are my options is basicly what i need to know? RMA to OcUK or Crucial, I think it's your choice but ask OcUK first by sending a Webnote

will OCUK take them back or do i have to RMA them back to crucial? See above

whats the chances of me getting my money back or will have have to take replacments? Standard is replacements, if you want money you need to ask

if i got my money back some how what ram should i buy? Good question, I don't know myself, I was kinda interested in OCZ but it all depends on what you want to spend and if you want tight timings at low speed or high speed with slacker timings
Crucial have stopped making 2gb kits due to problems with them. Think they now give out 4x 512mb which is rubbish so your best of getting ocuk to swap them for a different brand such as ocz or corsair. Contact crucial as well and check - they have great customer support and may have some 2gb kits kicking about in the factory still.
after running my ram at ddr545 for 6/7 months it now produces mem errors

so it seems like they are degrading like all the other kits im running them at stock now and they are fine but its just a matter of time b4 they wont run at stock
siclilmonkey said:
after running my ram at ddr545 for 6/7 months it now produces mem errors

so it seems like they are degrading like all the other kits im running them at stock now and they are fine but its just a matter of time b4 they wont run at stock
Yep, sounds like the memory is going, my old set started to error and later on one stick was dead.
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