Help and questions for the Ryzen DRAM Calculator

10 Dec 2007
I'm looking to fine tune my 3600CAS15 G.Skill B-Die set on a B450-F board with a 3600 CPU

I have followed videos to get my HTML file from Taiphoon and inputted it into DRAM Calculator. This is what I'm presented with:

I have the following issues before I attempt this stuff and post into Windows.

1: I'm having trouble finding values in my motherboard. Most notably stuff like the VDDP or VDDG volatge. I can't remember which one was easy to find but the other I simply could not find

2: If I do find the voltage values they are in values like "700". Does this mean 0.700v? The last thing I want to do is put in 7v!

3: The calculator suggest 1.45v on RAM voltage and when I put this in the BIOS, it shows me purple text. It showed me yellow text previously. I take it's just warning me I'm going slightly higher than spec but making sure

4: When it states the tRFC: 288 and tRFC(alt): 352 this doesn't help me much I don't think because my board has tRFC tRFC2 and tRFC4 to input. When I click the additional calculators button and input the corresponding values, it gives me this: (tRFC ns taken from HTML file)

It says tRFC should be 630 but it's 288 in the main calaculator. This then throws off tRFC2 and tRFC4. Is tRFC(alt) tRFC2? Should I put 288 in tRFC, 352 in tRFC2 and what in tRFC4?

5: Geardown mode and command rate being disabled worries me. Even at XMP I am unable to boot into Windows with geardown mode off and have 1T. I need to either run geardown on primary CAS 16 for 1T or geardown mode off with 2T

6: I can't find any BGS options at all

7: If I do manage to get all the values in should I not even boot Windows and immediately boot into MemTest from UEFI via USB to avoid potential Windows file corruption?

Thank you
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Decided to try and it went horribly. MemTest would fail Test 2 no matter what configuration I chose from the Calculator. Even experimented with the Purple XMP button. The only things I never inputted in where tRFC2 and TRFC4 which were on auto. CLDO VDDP could not be found so I guess that was on auto. I even had to clear CMOS at one point.
Well ... let me see if I can help you out :)

DRAM Calculator for me was a no go from the start. Whatever I did ... even if Memtest said everything was OK, when running Prime95 Blend or gaming i would have reboots out of nowhere.

For the points you refer:

1) What Mobo do you have? VDDP and VDDG may have more complex names ... MSI, for example, is not VDDP and VDDG alone...

2) 700 refers to mV ... so 700mV == 0.7 volts

3) 1.45v is ok for B-Die. The color will always be there as a visual queue for people that don't know what they are doing :)

4) tRFC is a calculation similar to this 8 * tRC or 8 * tRC + 8; So let us imagine that your tRC is 46 ... you would do 46 * 8 == 368 ... and then you can add + 8 just to get a little looser and see if that helps on stability.

As for the tRFC1,2 and 4, just use the tRFC1 entry and leave the others on Auto.
The tRFC(alt) value is to be used when the initial tRFC value that DRAM Calculator gave is not stable.

5) When you set Gear Down Mode usually what that says is that the system may set the CR half of CR1, so, to 1.5T. It's basically a middle ground between the 1T and the 2T for increased stability.

On my MSI Unify, if I set the CR to 1T my gear down will be disabled and I need to activate it somewhere else ( actually on a sub-level called AMD Overclocking ). But if you can't boot to Windows with 1T then your timings are off.

6) BGS is an acronym to BankGroupSwap, search for that.

7) First, try booting to Windows. Memtest is good to a certain point. I've been having issues with Memtest having 300+% coverage without errors and as soon as i run Prime95 Blend or play a game ... I start having lots of reboots.

My 2 cents on my experience with DRAM ... this all depends on the quality of your memory plus the quality of your CPU IMC...
How I'm doing is loading the XMP profile ... hard-typing all the default values that XMP gives by hand ... and then, from there, start tightening the timings 1 by 1.

it is a P.I.T.A and takes lots of time though.

I would focus on the primary timings first ... try to get them down 1 by 1 ... and them go to the secondary and tertiary.
Just 1 thing, when calculating the tRC ... this can't be lower than tRAS + tRP

So a memory timing is like 16-16-16-32 ... or CL, tRCD, tRP, and tRAS

So to calculate the tRC you need to do 32 + 16 == 48 and can't be lower than this value.

Again, I'm still learning but ... I've been fighting a lot with this ... :D
Hope my experience can help you somehow :)
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New DRAM Calculator version cleared up some of the problems I had since now the VDDG CCD and IOD are independently stated. Biggest change seems to be a stark lowering of SOC voltage in favor of raising VDDG/VDDP voltages. Also the CAD_BUS settings have changed slightly from previous version.
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