Help! Asus P5 Deluxe

4 Feb 2007
Hi guys

I've just built a new system using this mb. Everything went fine and I've been using the system over the past few days. Then today I went to plug in an external usb hdd into the usb port on the front of the case and the whole system froze.

Went to reboot and didn't even get as far as the BIOS beeps. The system powers on, but then dies after about 10 secs, then powers back on again. Processor fan is working OK as are the case fans and the graphic card fan. Doesn't seem to have enough power to power up the HDD's or the DVD drive.

I've removed all the cards, swapped the memory around, cleared the CMOS, unplugged the HDD drives, but still can't even get as far as the BIOS.

Any ideas? Surely the MB can't be dead? I'm also using a xilence 600w psu if that has any bearing on the matter. Any help or suggestions appreciated.


So everything was working fine and then today it started giving u gip?

is the external USB drive working fine? is the port on the case working fine? (did u plug the USB case pins into the mobo properly?), have u tried plugging the external USB drive into one of the motherboards USB ports? I assume its a BUS powered external USB drive? (does it have its own power supply!).

The double reboot is the motherboard 'assimilating' info on the USB device, a few USB option appear and disappear in BIOS depending on whats plugged in?
Well, I did have a similar problem this week when I first built the PC, similar symptoms, ie the PC would power on, then power off, power back on again but never get to the BIOS screen, no beeps, nothing, but I was able to correct it by unplugging, a few things like the internal usb ports and fireware port, any PCI cards etc and that was the first time I powered the machine on after building it. I then plugged the cards and cables back in again and went on to install the OS and the software.

It was going great until today when I needed to access some files from the external usb hdd. Everything was working fine the external usb hdd was working fine. The usb ports at the back were fine as I'd been plugging devices into them all week. The usb port I plugged the external usb device into was built into the front of the computer case and the lead from that plugs into the mb. It was definitely connected into the right port as they are colour coded and the pin configuration is correct. In fact the mb has a little q connector which makes sure you can't plug it into the wrong place.

Yes, the ext usb hdd does have it's own psu. At the moment the PC isn't even getting to the BIOS screen, so can't test anything.

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