Help buying a new projector and screen

9 Aug 2007
Hi I need some help buying a new projector. I have no knowledge and was hopping for some help.

It's for my brothers spare room and his budget i think would be around £1000 or lower for the projector.

All help is really appreciated thanks.
Is "£1000" just for the projector, or has it got to spread across projector, pj ceiling bracket, pj screen and cabling?
As lucid will explain (in a much better way than me) sorting out a projector setup is not simply a case of buying all the bits and nailing it together, no.

What you need to figure/find out:

- Distance from the viewing position to the screen
- Distance from the projector position to the screen
- Desired screen size to determine the required 'throw ratio'
- How're you going to put the content through the projector

Have a read of this thread -

It's a thread I made which went on with many lengthy discussions and covers a lot of the commonly asked questions. I should give you a good starting ground :)
One projector to look at is the optima hd26. At £560 its a bargain (although I admit I got mine for free) the picture is great and gives more money for the screen and everything else
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