Help!! Can't place order

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11 Feb 2004

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post but, I'm trying to order a fex items on the website but when I submit my credit card details the browser "cannot find server" "page not displayed" its trying to hit the url

"" then carries other variables.

Anyone else having problems ordering



That's your bank which is having problems. When you place an order with a Visa or Mastercard (or new switch / maestro cards) you may be asked security questions by your bank.

This is part of the "Verified by Visa" and "Mastercard Secure code" schemes generically known as 3D-Secure.

To ensure the details are 100% secure forever you don't ever give your information to a retailer or payment provider - you go straight to your bank. This works by Visa or Mastercard providing us (or Secpay - our payment provider) with the url for your banks 3D-Secure server and forwarding you to it (in an i-frame or popup).

It looks like is your banks 3D-Secure server and it is down.

If you are registered with Verified by Visa or Mastercard Securecode you will always be taken to that page, if you are not trying again may not take you through that (only 1/10 times unregistered users are taken to their banks page to give them the opportunity to register) so it will work.

If you have previous registered for verified by visa or securecode you could try another card which is not registered or give your bank a call and light a fire under them.
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