Help Clearing Up A Logo

16 May 2006
I'm still learning how to use Photoshop/Gimp and the likes, so treat me like a newbie.

I've made a logo for my uni club with photoshop/GIMP - I switched between because I'm using MacOSX and parallel Windows XP, which incidently can't recognise Korean until I used Gimp in OSX. Anyway...

even with my newbie eyes, I can see the logo is very rough around the edges - this will be used for T-Shirt printings (~6"x9") on the back and on websites. You think this is good enough or is there ways of making it better?

Appreciate all help.

P/S Here's the .psd of the file if needed:
Thanks for the tidy up, yes there is meant to be a fine gap between the red and blue.

The red and blue is not meant to be solid red and blue - I added texture to it. I felt it look better that way, no?

Also, if it's for T-shirt printing, I'll have to redo it in 300pixels/inch? Any way I can make the one I've done work? hmm, also, how dod you tidy it up? What tools did you use? Was it just standard zoom and erase/paint?
Is this better?
I made it from scratch, apart from the models (used a template outline of another image). This is going to appear on the back of the Hoodie.
I took mrdbristol advice and made this in 300pixi/inch.

A smaller version of it.
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